Lil' Gem's Place

Monday, March 27, 2006

Oooo, look at that!

100! I've got to my 100th post yay!

Today I realised whilst talking about nothing amazingly interesting that I say 'like' a lot... and when you like notice something like that it's like really annoying! Fascinating huh!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Blogs are really good reads

This evening I've sort of done nothing really! Well that's not completely true, I've been reading thorugh everyone's blogs but started reading them from way back when they all started! It's really funny reading posts from ages back and remembering silly things so vividly! Tristan- you wrote proper essays man, but they were so fun to read! And Loz, you started yours from trying to comment on Tristan's! It's so weird cos I've been reading about stuff which I was there for but I never knew blogs existed so it was strange to read about all the cheapy Tuesday nights I'd been to and seeing pictures on Tom's blog from the car crash! I can't wait for a whole year to pass by so I can read them all over again!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Here we go again...

Jill Norman's 7 favourite songs......

I found this really difficult because there's loads of different types of music that I like.

1. Praise you by fat boy Slim- I don’t really know but every time I hear it I want to sing it and it makes me feel happy lol, I just love it!

2. ABC easy as 123 by the Jackson 5- because that one reminds me of when I was in my teens dancing in the school at lunch time

3. Samba Pa Ti by Santana- its just really good music

4. Summer breeze by Isley Brothers- It was in the charts one summer when I stayed at my friend’s in Kingsbridge in the summer holidays in my teens and I fell in love!!!!

5. Yesterday by Paul McCartney- because there’s been times in my life where the words have just summed up how I felt

6. Uncontained by Curious by Design- because I like the ending (in a good way!), the way it builds up. The words encourage me when I feel like I'm the only one believing in my work place and family (except for Gemma, Andrew and mum!)

7. Songbird by Eva Cassidy- she has an amazing voice

I think everyone's been tagged!

Monday, March 13, 2006

The song tagging thing

Well, I have finally chosen my 7 songs but I will tell you it wasn't easy and I'm not even sure if these songs are my ultimate favourites because it is an impossible task really because I have soooooo many favourite songs but here goes...

1) 'Heaven' which is originally by Bryan Adams but I love the acoustic version by DJ Sammy- it's such a lush and romantic song and I'm trying to learn the piano bit at the moment. It also reminds me of my first youth holiday cos we played it in our caravan at full blast every night when we were getting ready!

2) 'All These things that I've done' by The Killers- such a good song, my favourite bit is the bridge where it goes 'Ive got soul but I'm not a soldier' and then these choir people come in on the background and it builds up and it's just amazing. I actually love every single song on their album but this is my favourite.

3) 'Paint the silence' by South- I don't actually know who this band is but I know I like this song. I found it on The OC soundtrack and I love The OC so maybe that influenced it.

4) 'Buck Rogers' by Feeder- such a cool rock out song! I love shouting out the words- love it!

5) 'Better than life' by Hillsongs United- I knew one of Hillsongs United songs would be on my list but I found it really hard to choose which one. I ended up with this one because it was one of the first I heard and it's on my baptism CD which Rach made for all of us so it reminds me of that time.

6) 'FNT' by Semisonic- again I don't actually know other stuff from this band but it's from my '10 Things I hate about you' soundtrack (a film from my top four) and it's so cool and everytime I hear it I think of the film.

7) 'More than fine' by Switchfoot- this is just one of the songs by them that I can never get enough of. I love listening to the whole album. Another youth holiday memory which was the one just gone and me and Nami wanted it on all the time but we were with the dancer girls who liked R'n'B so there was always a music battle going on!

This list could go on for sure, 7 is just not enough!

People I'm tagging...
anyone and everyone!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ssssh please!

I love music, don't get me wrong but when you're on a bus full of people who are all different it means that not everybody is going to like the same taste in music. So I find it really annoying when you get some people who think it's really cool to play their hip-hop music (sorry Sam!) so loud that it drowns out the music you're trying to listen to on your headphones! I mean c'mon, buy yourself some cheapy headphones so I don't have to listen to it too!

Oh my word...

Can you actually believe it???! Kinga and Kemal are a couple... click here if you want proof (I have only just worked out how to do this link thing so am trying it out :-P!)

Now that is a surprise!

Monday, March 06, 2006

I'm a little confused...

There isn't really a purpose to this post apart from seeing if it will get my blog back!

I've come home from school and Lozza says to me on MSN, where's your blog?? For some reason it doesn't seem to exist at the moment :'( and Loz seems to think maybe I haven't spoken to it nicely! So...... I'm just thinking maybe if I post something new it will reappear!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I've just realised that my last 3 posts are questions... sorry about that!

Should I stay or should I go?

I've never known anyone who can change their mind so much as me. I'm sure I must be the most indecisive person in England! One minute I'll be dead set on staying in Bristol and the next I think, hmmm, maybe I should move away and really experience university life.

I've got to start deciding where I want to go to university and I visited Galmorgan today in Wales. I really liked it there and to make it even better I'd spend the last 2 years in Cardiff which would be very cool! I've still got other places to visit and none of them are very far away from Bristol anyway but still, it's so hard! There are advantages to both, it's cheaper, less hassle and I already have friends in Bristol but then it's exciting, very different and will meet loads of new people if I move away.

I hate making decisions :(