Lil' Gem's Place

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My Early Night

So I decided for once that as I had to be up first thing this morning I would actually try and have a go at going to bed at the time I used to when I was back at home. Since I've been here I find it hard to get to sleep before midnight so I got into bed at about 10.30, I did put on Scrubs because I've got into the habit of watching something before I go to sleep!

Anyway, I really couldn't sleep, felt a bit sick which I think was because I hadn't really eaten any proper food because I'd planned to go shopping but the free bus didn't turn up (grrrr)!

At about 12.45am I was just drifting off and the fire alarm goes off! It scared the hell out of me and if anybody had seen me they would have laughed cos my glasses had fallen on the floor so I was panicking trying to find them blind! I grabbed my big, fluffy pink dressing gown and went outside with the others. I thought it was like 2.30am and when I got outside everyone was fully clothed. I was so embarrassed cos I was literally the only one in my pjs, all the guys made fun of me :( maybe if I had grabbed my hoody I wouldn't have looked so silly in my dressing gown!

Ooooo, Just as I was writing this I had a knock on the door from one of the security men, my printer has come through yay!


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