Just thought I'd write a qick blog to let you know that I'm still alive even though I haven't quite accomplished cooking myself a proper meal :-/
On Saturday I felt so sick from nerves but today I'm feeling fine and starting to really settle in. I'm in a room which definately needs more shelves but I guess I'll get used to the lack of space. It's all girls on my floor which I'm quite thankful for because it means that the kitchen and showers are going to be clean. Majority of people are welsh but I like the accent so it's all good although there seems to be a slight divide happening in my halls already. Some of the girls who live in Wales have gone into Cardiff tonight but the English and a few others are going to stick to the SU. People are really friendly so I'm I'll get some help with cooking and other stuff.
Went into Cardiff today and it only cost £2.25 on the train- bargain! Bought some stuff for the school disco which is on thursday and a princess tiara for fancy dress parties! Cardiff has all my favourite shops which is good and the Primark is really big!
Anyway, got to go, will blog soon xx
P.s. thank you for everyone's pressies, they are coming in handy :-)
On Saturday I felt so sick from nerves but today I'm feeling fine and starting to really settle in. I'm in a room which definately needs more shelves but I guess I'll get used to the lack of space. It's all girls on my floor which I'm quite thankful for because it means that the kitchen and showers are going to be clean. Majority of people are welsh but I like the accent so it's all good although there seems to be a slight divide happening in my halls already. Some of the girls who live in Wales have gone into Cardiff tonight but the English and a few others are going to stick to the SU. People are really friendly so I'm I'll get some help with cooking and other stuff.
Went into Cardiff today and it only cost £2.25 on the train- bargain! Bought some stuff for the school disco which is on thursday and a princess tiara for fancy dress parties! Cardiff has all my favourite shops which is good and the Primark is really big!
Anyway, got to go, will blog soon xx
P.s. thank you for everyone's pressies, they are coming in handy :-)
At 8:39 PM,
Jen said…
hello precious - please blog lots and lots
glad you're ok. I'll pop down and treat you for a coffee when you've settled in a bit. Have a good night at the SU - i now what you mean about the Welsh/English divide - remember it well when the rubgy was on!
love you lots and lots and lots
PS ring or text any time you need to chat ok
At 8:40 PM,
Jen said…
'know' grrrrr
At 10:40 PM,
TommyDB said…
The Welse accent is lush...
When Imogen is speaking.
Take care, Gem. Don't do anything too intelligent. It's not fair on the others.
At 4:51 PM,
KT said…
Hi Gem
Great to hear how you are doing?
Which block are you in?
I was in N block - so cool!
Don't you just love to ride that rail... Have you been in to Pontypridd yet? Some great Charity shops girl.
Loadsa love and hugs
I will have to visit you and take a trip down memory lane
At 8:15 PM,
Gem said…
No, I'm Phillip evans UB, have to share showers but it's all good :) Haven't been into Ponty yet, probably trek down there soon!
At 12:47 PM,
KT said…
Oooh my friend was in there - loved it!
Glad you are having fun
Big hugs XX
At 10:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Gem!!
Well im glad all is going well at da mo, sounds like ur havin loadsa fun!! Freshers weeks are da best!!
lol!! Im goin to bug all of my friends who live away soon and Cardiff is top of my list but i guess ill leave u 2 settle in a bit *sigh* but come on MSN i wanna hear everythin
Your my girl and i love u
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