For Lozza
What have I been up to???
- Youth holiday where there was great weather...
... a walk to Baggy Point...
... BBQ on the beach...
... and some great tacos if I don't say so myself...
- Working- I'm getting more training in the cash office to prepare for a whole week where I'll be by myself... I can see a disaster about to happen!
- Going to the dentist which I had to pay for btw!!! Even my mum doesn't have to pay!!!!
- Clubbin' with some school friends...
- Watched some classic films like 'Trainspotting' and 'Shawshank Redemption' (now that Film 4 is free!)
- Have watched many episodes of 'Charmed' cos it's sooooooo good!
- Listened to a bit of jazz
- Went for a day-trip with my mum and aunty to North Devon and topped up the tan, only very slightly though
- And coming up... Soul Survivor, more nights out, results day, watch a few more films and maybe even a bit more of Devon
At 9:04 AM,
TommyDB said…
Great blog :)
Sharp and to the point.
(See Loz. Quality above quantity)
At 12:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm still trying to get over the fact that it cost me £15+ to go to the dentist..! Just for a checkup!
And the last time I went it was only about a fiver... talk about government inflation!!!
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