Lil' Gem's Place

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I don't know her...

Only jokin' Hannah (not that you read this anyway)! It's just that have you ever been to the cinema and on every tiny jumpy moment in the film somebody shouts out 'AAAGGGHHH' or 'OH MY GOSH' and grabs your hand when it really isn't that scary!? LoL, well that's what my friend was like today when we went to see The Da Vinchi Code. It was quite funny I suppose but at the same time a little embarrassing! The film was good, it probbly was a bit too confusing like Tom said for those who haven't read the book. For me I would usually much rather watch a film than read a book, except for The Da Vinchi Code however... and Harry Potter! It was just better reading it because it didn't have to rush through things like the film does so it feels more tense.

So that was that. It's my last day tomorrow at school and on Friday is our leavers service. Even though I've only been at SMRT 6th form for just under 2 years I'm actually going to really miss it! The people there are so cool and I'm gonna take so many photos on the last day! Everyone is getting eachother to sign their leavers books too, it's so sad to think we're never going to see eachother everyday again :-( it's funny aswell 'cos usually if you have frees you can't wait to go home but in this last week people are voluntarily hanging around!

Awww, I think I have a tear in my eye!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wherefore art thou 'goodcounter'??

Is it just my blog it seems to have gone missing on?

A moment of stupidity

So this morning I stepped outside and it was quite warm. And you know when you've bought something new and you really want to wear it, well me and Nami bought some flip flops the other day so I thought, ahhh, go for it! Then of course what happened when I was on the bus!?... it tipped down with rain! I felt soooo silly in my flipflops in the pouring rain :-(

Monday, May 15, 2006

Big Fat Greek Wedding!

Yesterday was my.... 3rd cousin (I think!?!) Melanie's wedding. She got married to a greek man called Yianni so the wedding was... Greek!

It was definately an experience, traditionally instead of waiting in the church for the bride we all had to wait outside and then the first ceremony (there's 2) is meant to be done outside as well except they had theirs in the church. Melanie was 40 minutes late!!!! It was getting a bit chilly. We were given these little bags with rice inside when we went in not having a clue why! Then there was the 2 ceremonies which were really just one long one. The priest was so funny! He was speaking out of the book but I'm not even sure if it was English or Greek cos his English wasn't very good so when when he spoke I couldn't understand a word of it. I say spoke, he actually sang! I got a little giggling fit inbetween cos me and my family kept exchanging looks of 'what the hell?!' lol. Then I saw other Greek people opening their bags of rice so I just copied and then Melanie and Yianni had to do the 'dance', which was just walking round in a circle around the alter thing, being led by the priest whilst he carried on singing Greek stuff from the Bible. So when they did this everyone randomly starting throwing the rice out of the bags, it was so funny cos obviously people at the back couldn't throw it far enough so you could just feel all this rice being thrown on your back! I tried to throw mine and it landed in Yianni's mum's hair! After the church bit we were given these flowers with sugar almonds in them as a present.

The reception was right next to the church and inside there was a band playing traditional Greek music which was really loud! The starter was prawns, I just took one look and was like 'noooo, I'm not eating that!' It still had it's eyes on and little swimming legs, ewwwww! Then everyone started dancing but have you ever tried to dance to Greek music??? Me, mum, Andrew and my aunty joined in, it was just a massive circle of people dancing round. But then... this is the best bit... came the smashing plates! It was so bizarre. There were just piles and piles of plates coming from nowhere and you just smash them on the floor, it's so much fun, but made such a mess and one of the Greek relatives cut her toe really badly! And at the same time people were throwing flowers everywhere.

The Greeks really know how to celebrate.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gutted... absolutely gutted!

So. Last night, somebody let something slip about the first episode in season 5 of 24.

Why why why??!!! I was assured that it actually isn't that big a deal compared to a lot of other stuff that happens. I just hope that person is right.

Monday, May 08, 2006

My leavers ball

Last friday night I went to my leavers ball. It seemed to be much earlier than other schools and nobody was really prepared for it especially me! It was all very posh, it was at The Thistle Hotel in town. My friend Bethany did a really good job of organising it, she'd booked a string quartet to play whilst we had our 3 course meal and had decorated the tables really well. There was also awards like 'chav of the year', 'most likely to be a porn star', 'biggest flirt', 'most likely to go to prison' etc. -very funny!

The food was good, the dj was good, and nobody got too drunk so there weren't any stupid fights, just our whole year group having a great time together.

Heres a few photos I knicked from my friend:

Agggghhhh, the pasty-ness! Lol, I really regret not putting on the fake tan... ah well!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Drama in the neighbourhood

Last night was a really weird one. Everyone was in bed and in the middle of my sleep I heard a really loud banging on the door. You know what it's like when you're asleep and it takes you a while to wake up. Anyway, the banging carried on and to be honest I was really scared cos I thought it was a certain someone from my family who had come to cause trouble! Eventually my mum ran downstairs and answered the door and it was our next-door neighbour and she'd come to tell us to get out cos her house was on fire! So I got Andrew out of bed and grabbed the dog and we went outside. It was actually the shed that had caught fire but you could see the tips of the flames and the smoke from the front. A few minutes later the fire engines arrived and it was so noisy cos they had to pump the water through. I didn't have a clue what time it was untill another neighbour told me it was 2am! We ended up being out there for a whole hour and half because the fire men had to check our house to be safe.

So since last night we've had to have literally every window in our house open because the smoke was really strong and had spread into our house. It's amazing how it all spreads, I walked into my room and you could actually see a sort of fog from the smoke and mum said that when she wiped her finger across the kitchen surface it was black.

Lets just say that we will be sure to get a smoke alarm very soon.