Lil' Gem's Place

Thursday, October 27, 2005

How 24 can bring a family together!!!

Since having 24 its become a bit of a ritual for me, my bro and sometimes my mum to watch it together... ahhhh, family time!

Except, I came home last night from a Birmingham City match to find that they had watched... wait for it... 9 EPISODES!!!!! I couldn't believe it- how rude to watch it without me!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Its Timmeh... maybe not

On the way back from the cinema we see a man riding his bike...

Nami: He looks like Tim!

Me: *looks* He's black.

Its quite easy for me to become addicted to things...

... and after all this time of being good and not watching much tv lately (even the soaps), I ended up watching 24. I started watching the series with my bro at about 10.45pm and that one finished but we wanted to watch the next one and the one after that... so we stayed up till 1.40am having watched the first 4 episodes in one go!

Its very good, and not at all addictive...

Who says boys are better than girls at football?!

Would just like to say that I beat all of the boys at FIFA. Although, when it came to the final the other finalist beat me in extra time, but still- I beat them :D

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Another moment with a drugged-up brother...

Him: why are you laughing?!

Moi: because its funny! Why are you laughing?

Him: because its not funny.... I feel drugged-up again

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Weekend away

Well, weekend away was brilliant as always! I was worried that because it was in a proper place (by that I mean not some random hut in the middle of nowhere!) that it would take away the fun of it- but it didn’t!

Went on midnight walks both nights- yay! One up a very big hill with sheep pooh on the path the whole way up- it did not smell good (and even though Loz didn’t experience the pooh we made sure that she had the privilege of knowing all about as it seemed all we were talking about outside her room was pooh!)

Tricks were played against each other again this year, but instead of being boys vs girls, it ended up being more leaders vs youth!!! Think it may have started with the youth chucking toilet paper all over their rooms… youth 1leaders 0. Then they got revenge, or rather Nig got revenge by stealing some of our things and hiding them with us having no idea it was him as he was suggesting all the main suspects to us! Even more shocked when I found out that Luke knew the whole time- who’d have thought!!! youth 1-leaders 1

The leaders provided us with a very entertaining performance of David and Goliath- was legendary!!! And we provided some impressions of certain people (sorry if anyone was offended :-s) oh and also how could I forget Nami and Sam’s Little Britain sketch- was spot on and made me nearly wet myself when they rehearsed it!

I won’t go on for much longer but have to mention 3 more funny things which probably won’t sound funny now but will be good to read back on this to remind me how much I laughed!

  • Waking Char up after a late night walk and telling her it was breakfast and that if she didn’t get up we weren’t allowed to go. So poor Char gets up half asleep to go to the loo then finally realises that it was actually 1am- soz Char :-p
  • The solids attempting to sleep in the living room with Nig finally discovering us at 5.30am
  • During the time of the solid gathering in the living room I come back from the toilet to find that Dan had gone psycho and stolen my pillow, chucked my sleeping bag over to the other side of the room but was fast asleep. I didn’t know what to do because I felt mean waking him up, so I carefully tried to get my pillow back with the help of Nami but woke him up. Then I find out that him and Nami were faking it completely and had tricked me big time!

Great time and I didn’t want to leave!!!!

Hours of sleep in total: 6!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

‘Happy is a Yuppie word’

On the new Switchfoot album there’s a song, which says ‘happy is a yuppie word’. I’m guessing ‘yuppie’ is an American thing, what do they mean??

Then when I tried to search it on the internet I found out another ‘name’ for people- indie-yuppie! I found this blog where the guy was talking about what it actually is…

“The Indie-Yuppie is such a wide spread being that the individuality in tastes that they claim to have, become mainstream. They’ve come from all labels of society. Spotting one is easy. He’s the guy in SuperMacs with the distinct white ear phones of an iPod dangling around his neck… Indie-Yuppies get out of bed, have breakfast and then head to the bathroom where’ll they attempt to give themselves that “just-out-of-bed” look. In fact you could be an Indie-Yuppie already… At this point the sinking, sudden feeling of a dawning realisation pushes down my stomach… I have a blog. Aggggh!”

So does that mean because we all have blogs that we’re indie-yuppies??!

It all gets too confusing, there are so many labels out there- chav, indie, emo, trendy... what if you don’t know which one you are?

Anyway, here’s a quiz (the 15 Minute Hipster). Add up every “yes” answer. Your score will tell you if you fit the indie yuppie mould.
1. Do you own a “vintage” T-shirt purchased at Urban Outfitters?
2. Have you been “on the list” at a rock show at least once in the past month?
3. Are your white iPod earbuds a source of pride?
4. Do you know what “grime” is?
5. Have you ever done a Web search to find the name of a song used in a VW ad?
6. Do you have a Gmail account?
7. Did “Garden State” speak to you as no other film ever has?
8. Do you own at least one white belt?
9. Do you have a fully articulated stance on Bright Eyes?
10. Do you regularly read Paste, the NME, and/or The New Yorker?
11. Do you have a TiVo?
12. If yes, do you have a season pass to one or more of the following: “The O.C.,” “Best Week Ever,” “Gilmore Girls,” “Britney & Kevin: Chaotic”?
13. Have you ever paid more than $50 for one pair of jeans?
14. Do you have a blog?
15. Are you confused as to whether or not it’s OK to like Coldplay?

0-5: Borderline. You have yet to realize that even hipsters enjoy that Kelly Clarkson single.
5-10: On the verge, although you really, truly hate the Arcade Fire.
10-15: The epitome of indie-yuppiedom - but we won’t tell anyone about your trust fund.

Don’t know why this bothered me so much but it did so I blogged it! And at the end of the day I suppose it doesn’t even matter if you don’t belong in a ‘group’- “labels are for soup cans”

Back to the main thing- can somebody explain the Switchfoot song please?

Sunday, October 09, 2005


'Noooo!' refers to the way it annoys me that all the shops get out all of their Christmas stuff in October, I know its to get more money, but still!!! I got into work yesterday to see that the Christmas display is out, I think it’s a shame that they do this, it doesn’t make it as special because by the time the 25th December actually comes everybody has already been living in the season of Christmas for almost 3 months!!

I never usually see anyone I know at work but yesterday I saw 5 people- 2 from my past and 3 from the present! It makes the day so much better when you see some friendly faces!

I’ve 2 albums that I’m listening to loads at the moment- Switchfoot’s new one and… Curious by Design!!! Got to say well done to the guys in the band, which now has a name! It’s sooo cool!

Listening to: track 6… Tim’s song… ‘As I sing I honour’… whatever its called! (Curious by Design)!!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Home sweet home

My brother has just got home from the hospital!!!

I think the best thing for him being home is not having nasty hospital food anymore!