Lil' Gem's Place

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

For Friends fans

Ross and Chandler are disputing over whether it was Rachel Ross had kissed or not...

Ross- that was the night I had my first kiss with Rachel, she was on my bed

Chandler- no I put her on my bed

Ross- no Rachel was on my bed

Monica - Oh no! That was me

Ross- no she was under the pile of coats

Monica- I was the pile of coats!

Ross- What?!

Monica- you were my mystery midnite kisser?!

Ross- you were my first kiss with Rachel?!

Monica- you were my first kiss ever?!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

need... to... watch... HP...

Harry Potter has been out for over a week and I still haven't seen it!!! I'm hoping I will watch it tonight and will be able to blog about how good it is :-)

I really don't have anything interesting to blog about, I'm just wasting time and avoiding all the work I should be doing. I've got 2 essays due in tomorrow for RE :-s agghhhhh, don't think I can take anymore of reading about stupid philosophers who spend their time thinking about evidence for why God does or doesn't exist! Example... some guy said:
  • men exist
  • Santa is a man
  • Santa exists

Why do people come up with this stuff?! I know, I know, because they want to prove that God exists but it means that RE students have to do stupid essays on it grrrrr!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Sore feet/Claim to fame

Last night was a friend’s 18th birthday party. I decided to wear the same shoes I wore for my 18th, the only problem being that they are VERY high. I could cope in them wandering around and even dancing but had I known that I would have to walk from Gloucester Rd to the centre to get a taxi I would definitely have worn more suitable shoes… oh the pain! I have many blisters on my feet as evidence- lovely!

Anyway, that was the bad bit of the night but wait for this… I met the lead singer from Athlete!!!!

Here’s the story, one of my friends had been to see Athlete at the Colston Hall and then come to the party. Obviously walking to the centre we were by the Colston Hall and we saw a tour bus. I was being very pessimistic and not believing that Athlete were actually in there but my friend persisted and knocked on the door! The driver ends up winding his window down and reveals that the lead singer was just behind the curtains. So Hannah explains about seeing them that night and gives him her ticket for the lead singer to sign. Then the lead singer (yes I don’t know his name!) comes out from behind the curtains and starts having a conversation with us whilst signing the ticket!!!

Such a cool ending to the night!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The art of falling over

I never knew there was actually a skill to falling over, but according to my bro there is...

Andy: I fell over the hoover earlier today mum

Mum: really

Andy: yea but its ok cos I know how to fall

Me: what do you mean?!

Andy: well I know how you're meant to fall so you don't hurt yourself like you fall over sideways

Mum: but what if it happens by surprise?

Andy: well..... blah blah blah blah blah (going into detail about the technique falling for about 5 whole minutes)

What a nutter!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Challenge for today

Annoyingly this morning the bus driver pointed out that my student card had expired and being a meany charged me £2 just for a single!!!!

So after my morning lessons I thought I would challenge myself to walking home instead of paying another £2. My school is in town in case you didn't know so it was quite a trek, but I did it... kind of- sombody saw me when I was quite near home and gave me a lift which was good timing cos I was starting to feel a bit sick and would've ended up fainting!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

It is true

Yeh ok, so Tom is right, I didn't stay to my word as I commented on his blog and I watched 24- but I don't care cos its soooooo good! And now I've got Nami addicted to it- mwuhahaha!

You're all gonna think I'm really sad, but me and Nami have already planned this: we are going to watch season 2 for 24 hours i.e. start watching it at midnight and finsh it... at midnight! You are all welcome to join us except I think we're the only 24 fans who haven't seen season 2.

My old street

When I lived in my old street I loved it. There was at least one kid in every house so you were guaranteed to have somebody out in the street playing (which is one of the reasons my mum hated it but the main reason I loved it!).

Today I went to visit the two people I used to play with the most, two out of a family of 7 sisters called Rajnie and Kori. I have so many good memories of the old days with them. I was a bit nervous about seeing them after 4/5 years, mainly because both of them are deaf and I couldn't remember a single bit of sign language! Luckily their lil sis Kalvinder (who I remember being tiny and now she's 10!) was there to help translate. But it was amazing how much I picked up in that short amount of time I was with them today. Even though I'm not fluent in sign language we still managed to communicate with each other and it was great catching up and remembering the fun we used to have. I remember playing handstands in the front garden, volleyball over the fence and tennis in the road! Awww, miss you guys but will see you again soon xxx