need... to... watch... HP...
Harry Potter has been out for over a week and I still haven't seen it!!! I'm hoping I will watch it tonight and will be able to blog about how good it is :-)
I really don't have anything interesting to blog about, I'm just wasting time and avoiding all the work I should be doing. I've got 2 essays due in tomorrow for RE :-s agghhhhh, don't think I can take anymore of reading about stupid philosophers who spend their time thinking about evidence for why God does or doesn't exist! Example... some guy said:
I really don't have anything interesting to blog about, I'm just wasting time and avoiding all the work I should be doing. I've got 2 essays due in tomorrow for RE :-s agghhhhh, don't think I can take anymore of reading about stupid philosophers who spend their time thinking about evidence for why God does or doesn't exist! Example... some guy said:
- men exist
- Santa is a man
- Santa exists
Why do people come up with this stuff?! I know, I know, because they want to prove that God exists but it means that RE students have to do stupid essays on it grrrrr!
At 5:33 PM,
KT said…
how about...
Santa is able to deliver presents to millions of kids in the space of one night....
I never ever have had a present off him...
(I could be really bad I guess)
worrying as it is obvious Santa does not exist
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