The art of falling over
I never knew there was actually a skill to falling over, but according to my bro there is...
What a nutter!
Andy: I fell over the hoover earlier today mum
Mum: really
Andy: yea but its ok cos I know how to fall
Me: what do you mean?!
Andy: well I know how you're meant to fall so you don't hurt yourself like you fall over sideways
Mum: but what if it happens by surprise?
Andy: well..... blah blah blah blah blah (going into detail about the technique falling for about 5 whole minutes)
What a nutter!
At 10:12 AM,
T said…
LoL - he does have a point. When I used to do Judo, we used to warm up by doing 'break falls' - just practicing falling over and how to land properly from different directions. It becomes a reflex after a while - so you'll do it even if you're taken by surprise. Of course, it hurts less on mats
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