Weekend away
Well, weekend away was brilliant as always! I was worried that because it was in a proper place (by that I mean not some random hut in the middle of nowhere!) that it would take away the fun of it- but it didn’t!
Went on midnight walks both nights- yay! One up a very big hill with sheep pooh on the path the whole way up- it did not smell good (and even though Loz didn’t experience the pooh we made sure that she had the privilege of knowing all about as it seemed all we were talking about outside her room was pooh!)
Tricks were played against each other again this year, but instead of being boys vs girls, it ended up being more leaders vs youth!!! Think it may have started with the youth chucking toilet paper all over their rooms… youth 1–leaders 0. Then they got revenge, or rather Nig got revenge by stealing some of our things and hiding them with us having no idea it was him as he was suggesting all the main suspects to us! Even more shocked when I found out that Luke knew the whole time- who’d have thought!!! youth 1-leaders 1
The leaders provided us with a very entertaining performance of David and Goliath- was legendary!!! And we provided some impressions of certain people (sorry if anyone was offended :-s) oh and also how could I forget Nami and Sam’s Little Britain sketch- was spot on and made me nearly wet myself when they rehearsed it!
I won’t go on for much longer but have to mention 3 more funny things which probably won’t sound funny now but will be good to read back on this to remind me how much I laughed!
- Waking Char up after a late night walk and telling her it was breakfast and that if she didn’t get up we weren’t allowed to go. So poor Char gets up half asleep to go to the loo then finally realises that it was actually 1am- soz Char :-p
- The solids attempting to sleep in the living room with Nig finally discovering us at 5.30am
- During the time of the solid gathering in the living room I come back from the toilet to find that Dan had gone psycho and stolen my pillow, chucked my sleeping bag over to the other side of the room but was fast asleep. I didn’t know what to do because I felt mean waking him up, so I carefully tried to get my pillow back with the help of Nami but woke him up. Then I find out that him and Nami were faking it completely and had tricked me big time!
Great time and I didn’t want to leave!!!!
Hours of sleep in total: 6!!!!!!
At 9:58 AM,
KT said…
You guys are crazy!
Sleep and youth holidays clearly do not go together!!
Who needs sleep anyway?
At 10:39 AM,
Gem said…
Exactly! When you're away, going to sleep is just wasting valuable fun time!!!
At 5:13 PM,
Adam said…
Fat off larf - good stuff - hmm didnt quite get the tricks in - next time :)
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