Lil' Gem's Place

Friday, September 30, 2005

Dedicated to my brother ‘fearless Norm’

So yesterday was the day of my brother’s operation. I didn’t get to see him until the afternoon. It took about an hour to prepare him for the operation and then he was in the operating theatre for a good 6 hours!!!!

When I got to see him after he’d been in recovery he was sleeping for most of the time and some very loud snoring was with that! It was weird seeing him with about 4 tubes coming out of him.

When me and my mum went back to see him after having dinner he was a bit more awake. Even after he had just had a major back operation he didn’t cease to make us laugh! Every 2 minutes he was just talking complete randomness (which to be fair he usually does anyway but he was particularly random last night!).

I can’t really put the funny things he said into words because you just had to be there (you can ask me for a demonstration!) but I’ll try…

Mum: we’re going to have something to eat now

Andy: where are you going?

Mum: harvesters

Andy: can I come?

He couldn’t remember what the ‘big toe’ was called so he started chatting crap about how the big toe should be called the thumb!?

Ummm, oh yeh, then he was blabbering on about how he was going to be a druggie…

Andy: I won’t always be this drugged up will I? Do you want some oxygen Gem? You’ll be all high. See, I told you I’d be a druggie. Peace out.

LOL, he was calling me and my mum ‘sound’ and I was his ‘G’ and mum was his ‘M’!!?????

And he was thanking EVERYONE!

To the nurses: ahhh, thank you, you’re doing a great job

To us: thanks for coming Gem

(ummm, your mum and sister are blatantly going to visit you!!!)

Thank you

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who prayed for my bro.

The whole result so far has been amazing. The doctor and nurses are surprised at how little pain he is feeling. They said that if he takes deep breaths then that should normally cause him quite a lot of pain, and yet when he took really deep breaths in front of them he said he didn’t feel a thing!

They’ve also found it really unusual at how much Andrew is trying to move by himself. They keep telling him to lie still but he just wants to move! The doctor herself said that she was amazed! Praise the Lord, Woohoo!!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2005



I just edited my link list ALL BY MYSELF!!!!! :D

MSN chats before bedtime

You can get so many laughs out of msn messenger just from misunderstandings!

Ok, so I was on msn messenger last night and I got a phone call from Nami. So I changed my display thing to ‘on the phone’…

Nami: who are you chatting to?

Me: what, on msn? How do you know I'm on that, you’re

Nami: I’m hiding! No, who are you chatting to on the phone cos you’ve put ‘on the phone’

Me: ...I'm on the phone to you Nami!!!!

Later on Nami joined me on msn and this time I had a moment of confusion. At the same time I was talking to Nami I was also chatting to a guy called Andy from my old school (take a look at his band’s website

Nami: gona go to bed now, I’ve got a 2 hour driving lesson tomorrow :-s

Me (thinking it was Andy): aggghhh, thort you’d passed?!

Nami: come again?

Me: ooops, wrong person

Nami: hahahahaha!

Guess that was another moment where you had to be there!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Cereal in a mug anyone?!

I got asked a really strange question last night, if I wanted cereal in a mug!!!

Don't know about you but I found that really random, I mean who has their cereal in a mug??!

Well my bro has just gone off to the hospital. He made sure to give me one last laugh before he left- he told somebody he'd be staying in the 'Barbara Windsor' ward when it's actually called the 'Barbara Russell' ward!!! He's got a thing about Peggy from Eastenders (Barbara Windsor), she just manages to come up in some of his funny comments. Like one time he asked me and my mum what the royal family's surname was. So when we told him 'Windsor' he said "Oh right, like that woman Peggy from Eastenders"

Well it was funny at the time!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Ooops :-s

At work today we had to do a stock take in the china and glass stock room, and I smashed a £65 vase... oh well :-s

Friday, September 23, 2005


I couldn't believe myself this morning. I'd set my alarm to go to school for 7am, and it did wake me up but then I just fell back to sleep again for another whole hour! None of my family bothered to wake me up either (thanks guys)!

Anyway, I started to dream, I can't really remember what it was about but it was really strange. I know that somewhere in the dream I was randomly wearing retainers (those plastic things for your teeth which you wear after you've had braces- I used to wear them but lost them and there was no way I would pay £60 to buy some new ones!) and it was so weird because when I woke up it really felt like I had been wearing them! I can't explain it but my mouth just felt like it used to every morning when I had retainers.

This kind of thing's happened before. One time, I was dreaming that I was walking along a road by my house with a friend and there was a man walking in the opposite direction. All of a sudden he grabbed me to steal my bag and got a knife out and then I suddenly woke up. The weird thing was that I'd had my hot water bottle against my tummy because I'd felt sick, and when I woke up in the moment I really thought that the hot water bottle was the man grabbing me! It was so scary, my heart was beating like crazy!

I have weird dreams...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Saying the wrong thing... yet again!

Why do I always seem to put my foot in it...

Friend: One time I had to spend hours in my next door neighbour's house because I got locked out of mine

Me: Doesn't your Gran live right by you, couldn't you have just gone to her's?

Friend: Well I would have done but shes dead

Me: Oh... yeh, sorry

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What a small blogging world it is

So I was doing some research on the internet for Media and I was searching for a chick flick fan site. This site comes up and it turns out to be a blogger called 'Chick flick'. So I took a glance at her blog and find somebody called Katya had been leaving comments on it. After checking it turns out that it is the same Katya on Lozza's blog, how random!!!

... I have nothing else to blog about...

Except for since the youth holiday I've a new craze for Coco Pops, mmmm! I always used to like them but whenever I eat too much of something I get bored of it. But then I tried Coco Pops on the youth holiday again and they were lush, so now I can't wait for breakfast...

Ok, so now you really know I have nothing to blog about because I've just written a whole tiny paragraph on Coco Pops!!!

I guess I could say this: another classic quote from my bro Andy Norm which I can't remember exactly but it went along the lines of him thinking the three gifts from the wise men at Christmas were gold, silver and mercury!!?

Friday, September 09, 2005

I am an English student who doesn't read!

So today I was asked by my English teacher, “so what do you enjoy to read in your spare time?”

My reply: “read… ummm”

Teacher’s reply: “ok… so you don’t read in your spare time!”

Just seemed funny to think that I’m doing English A Level and I don’t ever read in my spare time. Well, I could have said Harry Potter but somehow I don’t think that was the answer she was looking for!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Bus moan

I'm going to sound like a snob now but ah well! I don’t mind catching the bus everyday really. In fact, I actually quite enjoy my journeys. I can just listen to music and watch everyone go by. But today I had an unfortunate day with the buses.

It was mainly just smelly people, which I know sounds snobbish of me but its true! Firstly, on the way to school a man sits in front of me and smells of sick- lovely! So I’m sat there for practically the whole way with my hand on my mouth trying not to breath it in!

Then, on the way home another smelly man sits behind me. His smell was more like a certain man’s from church (you should know who I’m talking about!!) which is not pleasant!!! And then just before he got off he sneezed right behind me, just so I could breath in all those lovely germs!!!

Then to top it off I step on a sweet on my newish trainers, grrrrr!

Well that’s my moan bout buses over!

Oh, one more... bus stops are the worst for passive smoking!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Lights, camera, action!

Today in my first lesson of media studies this year, I found out that I get to make a music video for the coursework- how cool is that!!! Hmm, I wonder what I'll do... In a rap video all you have to do is get a bunch of girls in bikinis, put on the fake tan and get them to dance around some guy. Or I could do it to a rock song and get people to chuck paint around or just get them to do something crazy... That could be fun!

This was good news compared to realising half way to school on the bus that I was actually an hour early, grrr! I could have had an extra hour in bed!!

I experienced another game of poker last night and guess what... I won again!!! It must be beginners luck, I'm sure next game I won't have as much luck. I even ended up winning Rach's necklace when she ran out of chips! That's right, it was proper hard-core poker playing, giving away jewellery and everything... Well, not really, I have to give back the necklace today!

Monday, September 05, 2005


The sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean is going to be out July 2006- I can't wait that long!!!!!!!

Some great quotes:

Barbossa : I want 50% of ye plunder!

Jack Sparrow : 15!


Jack Sparrow: 25!

Barbossa :[Considering]

Jack Sparrow: and I'll buy you the hat! A really BIG one....Commodore.


Red coats: Hey! You! Get away from there! You don't have permission to be aboard there, mate.

Jack Sparrow: I'm sorry. It's just... it's such a pretty boat [correcting himself]

Jack Sparrow: ship.


Barbossa :How did you get off that island?

Jack Sparrow : When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I'm Captain Jack Sparrow.


Barbossa: Thank you, Jack.

Jack Sparrow: You're welcome.

Barbossa: Oh, not you. We named the monkey Jack


Jack Sparrow: Stop blowing holes in my ship!

Sunday, September 04, 2005


stuck in traffic for aaaaaages! Was extremely tired!

Phrases of the week:

“Ta da then!”
“Who’s the daddy?!”


Lush hot day so spent it at the beach.

Managed to fit 6 people into the dinghy made for 2 people (this included three full-grown men (nig, Jon Hooper and daza!!). Also me, Nami and nig spent an hour in the dinghy and got drifted over to the rocks (quite scary!). The waves were amazing though!


We had a treasure hunt in the morning (only remembered that through Tom’s blog!) and our caravan came second- yay!!!

Also had an exciting trip to McDonalds and then had more burgers at the BBQ later!

This was the day of the mysterious (or not so mysterious) window breaking at our caravan…


Today was the talent competition and most of us girls were doing a dance (we got beaten by a singer).

This day also included a human pyramid…

Nighttime fell and yet again we were out of our caravans causing trouble started by Tom and co. and that adventure was finshed for me by Tristan, Nigel, Jamie, Chris and Daza catching me and Aimee!!!


We went shopping in Barnstaple, which was really cool. There were loads of surfery shops and lots of sales!!!

This was also a day of the water fight (there many of these!!!)

Think this was the evening when me, Nami, and Alicea stayed up ALL night! We chatted till about 5am and then finally decided to get ready for bed only to get freaked out by some weird tapping noises (which were just the caravan walls shaking in the wind!) so me and Nami go outside and by the time we were out in the fresh air we’re wide awake… Nami being the night owl that she is suggests banging on peoples caravans, which obviously we did! So we go round and find a window wide open. It turns out that the owners of this room were my brother and his mate Ryan. So shining the torch in their eyes was sooo much fun and seeing my bro in very scary half-asleep mode. He was seriously freaky saying things like "the victory is ours!" in a evil, psycho voice! Next thing we know Adam and my bro have sneaked out with buckets of water and get me and Nami soaked (IT IS 5.30AM AT THIS POINT!!!).

The craziness finally ends at about 6.30am and we fall asleep at 7.30am. Only then for me to be woken up an hour later by Adam and Nigel pouring more water over me whilst sound asleep on the sofa!!!


It was a really hot day so we all went down to the beach, which was a 5-minute walk away from the site.

It felt weird to think that everybody back home was at church whilst we were sunning ourselves on the beach!


I can’t actually remember! This might have been the day where we thought it was a beach day but when we got there it was rather chilly!

I think we may have gone bowling as well and I'm sure we played lots of card games which we did throughout the week!


We went to do the food shopping, da da dum… it was basically up to me, Alicea and Nami and considering that we’d never been shopping at a supermarket for food by ourselves before I think we did pretty well! We’d planned (or more tried to think of any meal we could possibly cook on the way there!) some meals and we only went over £3 from the budget!

We arrived at the site way too early as usual and had to wait around for ages until we could get into our caravans. The people in my caravan were Nami, Alicea, Esther for the first few days, Char for the last few days, Aimee and Mel (a couple of dancers) and me! So the first night me, Alicea and Nam tried to blag a chicken korma. All it involved was opening up some tins and heating it and thankfully it tasted all right!

The funniest thing was seeing Esther’s face when I told her it was 4.45am after chatting for about 4 hours!!!

Far too much to say!!!!

I've just finished typing out my summary of the youth holiday (although there's loads more I want to say!). However, the post is way too long so I'm going to post it day by day just so it's easier to read so here goes...

Well I’m back from the long-awaited youth holiday!

I’ve only been to two and out of those my first one (so I thought) was definitely the best, which is the same for most people in terms of nothing beating the first one. I am wondering though whether this may have actually been better than my first one!!!

The whole crowd of people who went were really great, everyone was such a laugh and really cool to get along with. I love staying in caravans because they’re close to each other and it meant that you could just walk in and out of other peoples caravans and just hang out with everyone, it was really chilled out.

It’s hard to remember what we did each day because I was losing track on which day it was! Every evening most of us went down to the club on the site, which was one of the best ones I’ve been to for this type of holiday. Usually there’s just one room of entertainment but at this site there were about three different rooms. We spent our time in the ‘coconut club’, which was mainly disco and karaoke. I would like to add that I'm pretty sure we all did at least one song for karaoke each night!

I’ll try to break it down…