Lil' Gem's Place

Monday, February 12, 2007

Hannah's coming!

My friend Hannah is coming to visit and I've just realised I'll have to cook for her, I'm not sure if I have enough food for two :-s

Also, I have so much work this week I hope I get it all done by tomorrow otherwise I'll be doing whilst she's here!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

My house next year!

So I don't blog for absolutely ages and then I decide to do 2 in one day hmmm....

Anyway, I just thought I'd tell you all about what I shall be doing next year. We've found a house in Cardiff (Cathys to be precise which is where all the students live) and it's about a 20min walk to the centre which is good. It has 6 bedrooms, including a loft bedroom, 2 bathrooms and an open style lounge and kitchen. And there's even a bit of a patio out back, all it needs is a bit of sweeping! Some of the houses we looked at... they were sooooo messy it was disgusting, I could never live like that although mum would probably choose to disagree with that.

Anyway, it's a nice house and it'll be so nice to have a proper lounge and TV where we can all chill (which is probably what we'll be doing most of the time as we won't have any money!)


There's Polly, my best girl friend here apart from Danielle who isn't moving to Cardiff :'(

The Steve who will actually be in his final year so he'll bring some maturity to the house!

Dale, he's getting the big room but only because he DJ's so he has his decks (quite handy if we ever want a rave...)

Joey who can play guitar so we can sit around and sing Jack Johnson songs ;-)

And of course Alex, who is so Welsh I still find it hard to understand what he's saying sometimes

That's it folks, the people I'll be living with, let's hope we don't all fall out!

It's been way too long...

Ok, so I haven't blog in aaaaaggges! Infact this is my first post in 2007, sorry bout that!

I just thought I would blog because I feel all inspired by the snow that we've had. I haven't seen snow like this since I lived in London so I must've been about 4 years old!!??

I went to bed last night and had been asleep for about an hour and someone knocked on my door at about 2am which woke me up. I ignored it at first but then I heard my friend Callum's voice and wondered what he was doing up in our corrider. So I got out of bed and everyone was looking out of the window and when I looked outside my fave looked like an excited kid. It was properly snowing and it looked magical lol! And everyone who had been out that night was outside playing in the snow! I would've gone outside but I was still half asleep and in my pjs but our boys were out there untill 4am- crazy!
So this morning when I woke up I looked outside and thought, 'yeh, I'm not going to my lecture today!' and I wasn't the only one. Instead me and Danielle went outside and took lots of photos and ended up in the middle of so many snowball fights it was so much fun!
I've put my photos on facebook but for those of you who aren't on that here's a few of my favourite....
This is the view outside of my room but the photo doesn't give it justice!