
Some great quotes:
Barbossa : I want 50% of ye plunder!
Jack Sparrow : 15!
Jack Sparrow: 25!
Barbossa :[Considering]
Jack Sparrow: and I'll buy you the hat! A really BIG one....Commodore.
Red coats: Hey! You! Get away from there! You don't have permission to be aboard there, mate.
Jack Sparrow: I'm sorry. It's just... it's such a pretty boat [correcting himself]
Jack Sparrow: ship.
Barbossa :How did you get off that island?
Jack Sparrow : When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I'm Captain Jack Sparrow.
Barbossa: Thank you, Jack.
Jack Sparrow: You're welcome.
Barbossa: Oh, not you. We named the monkey Jack
Jack Sparrow: Stop blowing holes in my ship!
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