Should I stay or should I go?
I've never known anyone who can change their mind so much as me. I'm sure I must be the most indecisive person in England! One minute I'll be dead set on staying in Bristol and the next I think, hmmm, maybe I should move away and really experience university life.
I've got to start deciding where I want to go to university and I visited Galmorgan today in Wales. I really liked it there and to make it even better I'd spend the last 2 years in Cardiff which would be very cool! I've still got other places to visit and none of them are very far away from Bristol anyway but still, it's so hard! There are advantages to both, it's cheaper, less hassle and I already have friends in Bristol but then it's exciting, very different and will meet loads of new people if I move away.
I hate making decisions :(
I've got to start deciding where I want to go to university and I visited Galmorgan today in Wales. I really liked it there and to make it even better I'd spend the last 2 years in Cardiff which would be very cool! I've still got other places to visit and none of them are very far away from Bristol anyway but still, it's so hard! There are advantages to both, it's cheaper, less hassle and I already have friends in Bristol but then it's exciting, very different and will meet loads of new people if I move away.
I hate making decisions :(
At 10:03 PM,
Sam said…
At 8:21 AM,
TommyDB said…
I'd ask God and then do whatever feels like the right choice.
You can even weigh up the pro's and con's about moving away if it helps.
But it's only 3 years anyway, which is nothing really compared to the rest of your life!
At 6:21 PM,
Sam said…
nooo i said noooo, nah do what gos tells u 2 do, bet dont 4get about us
At 7:04 PM,
Jen said…
ok this is a tough one because my heart is saying - - - NO NO NO NO NO NO - i love ya and i don't want you to go AT ALL. comin across loud and clear there yeah!!!!
HOWEVER - I think y'gotta grab every opportunity and try every door. God will shut the door if you're meant to not go anyways. Uni is not just about learning (making the most out of what God has given you in the brain department)- it's also about growing up and becoming independent, meeting a massive range of people and much much more.
Personally I loved it!
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