... I have tidied the house for my mum, aww! What a kind daughter I am!? Well actually, I must admit I never help around the house so really I don't deserve any praise. After tidying the living room, bathroom etc. I decided to tackle... my bedroom! uh-oh, not a good idea because it's got to the stage where to tidy I've just dumped everything in this big cupboard and so today when I chose to tidy my room properly it meant I had to sort all of it out. I'm not even half way through and I'm blogging because I need a break already!
Whilst looking through loads of stuff in the dreaded cupboard I found a magazine from school for Media Studies and it's so cool! It's got an article in there about blogging and how universities actually encourage their students to blog! The title is 'the future will be blogged', so thanks to Lozza who helped me onto the path of the future! The main reason the magazine caught my eye was because it was a picture of Jack Bauer on the front. Of course, I wasn't into 24 at the time so I didn't bother reading itbut when I saw Jack I was like wow, it's got 24 in here! It's this guy writing about how he got hooked and how he introduced it to his friends- sound like someone we know people...
Whilst looking through loads of stuff in the dreaded cupboard I found a magazine from school for Media Studies and it's so cool! It's got an article in there about blogging and how universities actually encourage their students to blog! The title is 'the future will be blogged', so thanks to Lozza who helped me onto the path of the future! The main reason the magazine caught my eye was because it was a picture of Jack Bauer on the front. Of course, I wasn't into 24 at the time so I didn't bother reading itbut when I saw Jack I was like wow, it's got 24 in here! It's this guy writing about how he got hooked and how he introduced it to his friends- sound like someone we know people...
At 8:30 PM,
Jenny said…
Blogging is so all about the future :) yay to the future!!!!
At 12:02 AM,
TommyDB said…
Alright Loz. *cough*
You can have this one.
At 2:02 PM,
TommyDB said…
In English please?
At 3:45 PM,
Gem said…
yeh I didn't get a word of that!?
At 6:20 PM,
TommyDB said…
Ah. Go on, go on, go on, go on...
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