Lil' Gem's Place

Monday, February 20, 2006

Andrew, "I don't get it"

According to my brother this is sad and he doesn't get it. Yes he's in a mood, might be to do with me inturrupting 24...

Four Jobs I have ever had in my life:

1. football coaching
2. food critic (when my sis makes choc fudge)
3. paper round (lasted a day)
4. being a fool (yeh that was me (Gem) obviously)!

Four Movies I can watch over and over:

1. Spiderman 2
2. Mighty Ducks
3. King Kong (not really but oh well something to write)
4. umm, Waterboy

Four Places I have lived:

1. Bristol
2. London
3. England
4. Oldbury Court

Four TV Shows I love to watch:

1. The OC
2. 24 (what I could be watching right now if my sis hadn’t dragged me downstairs to do this)
3. Hollyoaks
4. Extreme Makeover home edition

Four places I have been on vacation:

1. Cyprus
2. Torquay
3. Paignton
4. Cornwall

Four websites I visit daily:

1. bbc
2. channel 4
3. MSN
4. hotmail

Four of my favourite foods:

1. pasta
2. chips
3. musaka (dunno how to spell it)
4. angel cake

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. in my room
2. out with friends
3. on the drums
4. on the toilet

Four people I am tagging:

1. Ryan
2. Sam
3. James
4. Josh

Well there you go, that was The Norm. It took him about 20 minutes to think of 4 films...

Norm: just leave it blank
Me: ok, that doesn't make you sound boring
Norm: well I am boring


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