Lil' Gem's Place

Friday, October 27, 2006

I can't sleep so...

Here's something I did to practice my photoshop skills! Don't be too critical cos, well I haven't quite mastered it yet :-P


Lol, it's me and Stuart Parker everybody. Wow, he makes me look pasty... and my head looks very large!!!

And finally...
Definately my favourite!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Creation in Cardiff

Last monday we went to a club called Creation which is in Cardiff. It's really good because for £6 the uni have a coach that takes you to and from the uni, you get your ticket and you don't have to que outside! Everyone kept saying how big it was which is true but I definately think Oceana in Bristol is way bigger!

So this time when we went Timmy Mallet was there! For those of you who don't know who he is, this is him....

I didn't actually get to meet him but my friends did....

It was a fun night even though we had to leave as the clubbin song of the year came on (you know the one... put your hands up for detroit!) To finish the night we ended up eating pasta at 4am, see Loz I can cook...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Ok, so it was over a week ago now but I thought I would have a post for it so I could upload a few photos from the weekend! Won't go into too much detail but it was a really good weekend! Saturday night, Dave Pearce (radio one dj) wahoooo!!!! Was so gutted though because you know when you're just waiting for your favourite song to come on and it just doesn't, well I LOVE 'Don't let me go' by David Guetta and all weekend waiting to dance to it but I must have kept missing it, so gutted :-(

Anyway, here's some pics...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I now own 3 blogs

Yep, I have 3 blogs now! This one, the Norm one and my media one which I dont actually know what I'm meant to put in it but I have one just incase I have a moment of inspiration!

I really want to blog about Butlins but I refuse to untill I get my photos developed which won't be till next week, sorry.

So, tonight is a beach party which I've not ended up going to. I actually wouldn't have minded going but Polly has gone home, and Danielle has loads of work to do so I would be the only girl which I don't mind too much but by the time Danielle had decided what to do I was too tired to get ready. It's a lot more hassle for girls and I can't be bothered with it at the mo! So the boys are out, Danielle is doing work and I'm here blogging :-)

Stuart Parker from 'Neighbours' is here on Saturday and I really want to go but loads of people are going home for the weekend and I don't think anyone I know really wants to go :-( I shall persuade someone though I'm sure.

This week something quite cool happened. There's this guy called Paul who hangs around in the same crowd and he's from Bristol which I knew when I met him. Anyway, this week he added me to myspace and obviously read the little bit about me and saw I was a Christian and it turns out he is too! I haven't found out which church he went to or anything cos haven't seen him for a couple of days, but yeh, thought that was quite cool.

Today I had a Radio Production lesson and so far I'm really enjoying radio. Last week we got into pairs and recorded interviews with eachother, then this week I was with the same girl called Daniella and we had a lesson on editing. I like all the editing stuff on the computer so I think I'll enjoy doing that in our mini project coming up. We have to do a voxpop in groups which is when you hear a general question and you ask lots of people on the street that question. Should be fun!

In New Media today we started looking on Photoshop which again I really enjoyed at school cos it's stuff on the computer. It was pretty basic today and because I've worked on it before it was a bit frustrating.

This Sunday I want to go to this church in Cardiff that I've found on the internet. There's meant to be a free minibus that picks up students from the uni but only porblem is I don't know what time! I emailed the CU people but they haven't got back to me so might try emailing the church instead.

What else... oh yeh, another spider story for, well Babz really cos she always seems to have spider stories! Me and the girls were in Danielle's room watching a film and out of nowhere this fat spider just drops down on the radiator. Danielle and Polly screamed and I dodn't have a clue why untill I saw it. I am not joking, it was the biggest spider I have ever seen in real life. I know you all think I'm exaggerating but I'm seriously not! I f you hold your hands out it was at least 4 inches!!! It was horrible and all the other girls heard us screaming and wondered what the hell was going on. Kate who comes from the country just picked it up in her hands, yuk! And Saffron who is a proper hard-nut and not scared of spiders even said herself that it was very big!

Yeh so, that's all I can think of right now, think I'm gonna watch some 'Friends' or 'Charmed'!

That post should keep you going Loz ;-)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Freshers Flu :-(

Yes, I have it and it's horrible! And trust it to be on the weekend where I had a party to go to, grrrr! It started off with everyone coughing, wasn't too bad, just a bit annoying. Friday I came home and still had the cough. Then Friday night at around 3am I woke up with not just a cough but headache, earache, tummy ache... everything. Had to call in sick for work and couldn't go to Daza's birthday party (so sorry Daz, wish I could've been there, I do have your card and present but it will have to wait till next weekend!).

The worst of it is over but this cough won't budge. I bought some cough medicine today but I think I should get my money back because it is rubbish... still coughing! It some ways it worked out well that I had gone home even if I had stayed in bed the whole time cos at least I had my mum there and a sofa anf cable TV to keep me occupied!

The plan for tonight was to go into Cardiff because apparently Glynn from Big Brother is meant to be in Creation. But instead it's going to be another night in because we're all still ill which means not seeing Glynn althought I didn't watch Big Bro this year so I'm not too bothered.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Today I went absailing for the first time ever. My uni has done this try any sport activity like climbing, surfing, archery etc. for free. So me and a couple of friends signed up to do absailing. we had to travel to this activity centre which was in the middle of a forest. Anyway I'll skip the boring part... it got to my turn and I didn't want to look down so I slowly moved to the edge backwards. The guy hooked me onto the ropes and stuff and told me to lean back. Anyway, I'm scared of heights, terrified infact, so I really don't know why I signed up for it in the first place but I just froze! I felt so stupid because I started to have tears in my eyes and shouting I can't do it! Anyway, with a little... no wait, a LOT of persuasion and encouragment I overcame my fear and did it, I absailed down a 45 foot wall!!! yay!

Also today I did some laundry! Only problem is I'm not allowed to tumble dry any of my clothes so they're all on hangers and dry from the curtain rail!

Freshers week is over except we have the freshers ball tomorrow night. I'm sad in one way that it's over but relieved also because it was tiring me out! Last night though me and Danielle (a girl who is in my halls) decided to have a chilled night and we watched a chick flick in my room and some Friends which was really nice, just to lay around in jogging bottoms and a hoody!

Anyway, before I go here's a few photos I've found from freshers week...

(from left to right) Kate, Polly, Danielle and moi...

Us and some guys from our block...

The girls..

Me and Danielled on the skool disco night...
Bye bye xx