Lil' Gem's Place

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Being young

I love being young (when I say that I actually mean being a kid!). I know some people are saying that I'm not a kid now I'm 18, but I have to disagree! I think that you are as young as you act or feel.

It annoys me when people say how you have to start being responsible when you turn 18. I mean who decided that as soon as you turn 18 you're an adult? In America you can't drink alcohol until you're 21 so does that mean that in the USA you're not an adult at 18? It's just society who model how you should be at a certain age. Surely you should just be how you feel comfortable being?

Tonight I went to youth homegroup and we just played loads of games. Unfortunately I think sometimes I can get a bit too competitive e.g. tending to scream and hate being in a losing team. However, tonight I didn't scream- that much.

I'm going swimming tomorrow and I played tennis today- I like sounding as though I'm really active and sporty. Really the only 'exercise' I do a week is going to dance once a week. I've never been to a gym before- why pay to go on a running machine when you could go for a run in the park. I'd much rather play a sport to keep fit, much more fun.

I hate customers!

I know that everyone who reads this is a customer sometimes, even I am but I hate them! They can be so rude that they don't deserve good service. I was a to work yesterday and I was going a little job (which I would explain but it's too complicated and would be really boring) on the lingerie department and a man came up to me about to ask me a question:

Me: before you ask me anything I'm not part of this department, I'm from stock admin

Rude man: Oh well you'll probably still be able to help, I was wondering if you sell 'James vert'?

Me: ummm, sorry I don't know, I'll ask some one else

Rude man: well if you're from stock admin then you should know the bloody stock!

I know what you're thinking... that the man was right and I should know the stock, but he wasn't right...

  • First of all I only work on Saturdays usually so it would be extremely hard for me to be familiar with the stock of the whole shop.
  • Secondly, in my job you only become familiar with a couple of departments, so if he had asked whether we sold a Gossard Superboost bra then I would know! Arrrgggh, it makes me angry just thinking about him! He said it in a way that made me feel so stupid and small, gggrrrrrr!

Basically it was a bad work day all round. Later on, I started another little job and half way through was told that I wasn't doing something which I should of been doing. This was the second thing of the day which made me feel stupid- how was I meant to know if nobody had taught me!!!

The evening of yesterday was better than the afternoon, I went to see 'Fantastic 4'. I thought it was really good although I was a bit disappointed in the fighting, or rather lack of it. Lots of good jokes though which made up for that. I always find that when I go to see a film, if I'm expecting it to be rubbish it's usually really good because I didn't big it up before I saw it.

Friday, July 22, 2005


I think this may prove that I am addicted to 'Friends' as quite a few of these do actually apply to me (7 to be exact)!!!

You Know You're Addicted to Friends When...

You named your cats Chandler and Phoebe

You have had dreams where you're the seventh Friend.

You *seriously* consider naming your future daughter Emma.

You can tell within 10 seconds of the beginning of the episodes exactly which one it is - and you can instantly remember what will happen.

You can't go one day without a Friends reference.

You are forever writing scripts for a Friends movie and sending them in (even if you have received several thousand rejection letters)

Your favourite words are - Doi, Yuh-hu and Nu-uh

You only ever buy magazines because they have something to do with FRIENDS in them

You get your hair cut like Jennifer Aniston's (even if it looks terrible on you)

You are able to perfectly re-enact every episode line-by-line

You are always refering to real life incidents as 'The One With......'

You have made a soundtrack out of all of Phoebe's songs and you listen to it all day long

You've taped every episode of FRIENDS since the very first one, and watch the tapes continually

You refuse to drink any beverage (especially coffee/tea) if it isn't served in one of the cups like the ones they have at Central Perk

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Friends.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Blogging pressure!

Ok, we got broadband today so I guess there will be even more pressure for me to update my blog, aaaggghhh!

It's been so long since I blogged I can't even remember what I've been up to!

Last monday I did some work experience at John Lewis. I already work there saturdays but in the stock admin department. I did one day with the in-house mag of John Lewis 'The Chronicle'. Wasn't sure what to expect, was just doing it because I had to really. Anyway, it turned out to be pretty fun! The woman who writes most of the articles got me to write one article about the harbour festival. I freaked out inside! It wasn't much, bout half a page, but she took a photo of me and called me a guest journalist, made me feel quite important!!

On monday evening, I went to a BBQ for the worship team social. Love going to the socials, especially when it's a BBQ, hmmm... burgers! Played that game where you have to pick up a cereal box with just your mouth. Usually by the time the box has been cut in half almost everyone is out. But that night, nearly everyone was freakishly good at it so there were bout 5 winners! also played one of the best games in the world Mafia! To be fair it has got a bit old but it's cool when you play it with people who you don't normally play it with! I used to be able to work everyone out all the time, even Tommy, but now the gift has gone.

Tuesday I was working again, started at the dreaded time of... 7am. It actually wasn't that bad and the day goes by quite quickly which is always good!

I know this is boring but tough! Blogging is harder than it looks, you have to make it funny and witty and I can't do that!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Moving on in the world

Woohoo! We are finally getting broadband at home so now my family will stop living in the 20th century and I can blog all the time!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Very tired!

I'm surprised that I'm not asleep at the moment because I lost out on a whole nights sleep. It was friday and after youth club I got in about 12.30am and didn't feel that tired so I was very sad and watched a bit of Big Brother live. Then when I tried to get to sleep at about 1am I couldn't. I was lying in bed for hours and I looked at my clock and it was 5.30am!!!!!!!!!!! I was so angry because I knew I was tired and yet I just couldn't go to sleep!

I wish we had a button somewhere which we could just press when we want to go to sleep and we could just switch off! It would be so much easier.

I tried counting sheep but that never works. They jump over the fence but go too fast so I lose count and then through my concentration on trying to keep up with the sheep I'm even more awake!!!! Knowin I had to be at work in 2 hours didn't help either! You lot do not realise how lucky you are to not have to work on a saturday!!!!!!

And then, in my craziness from lack of sleep I agreed with my boss that would work mondays and tuesdays in the hols from 7am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 08, 2005


Well I've finally decided to join everyone in the blog craze! At first I just enjoyed reading everybody elses and seeing how mad all my friends are! But then I thought, why don't I just write one myself- so I did! I'm not sure how long this will actually last so I apoloize in advance if I don't blog enough!