The adventures of working at John Lewis
Well, I'd already written this blog earlier and then in my blonde moment I accidentally deleted it- how annoying!!!
So another Saturday is over and whilst I have been slaving away at work, all you lucky people have been enjoying your freedom (at least I hope).
Bit of a weird morning. I got to work at about 8am (one hour before the shop opens), said my hellos and then went off to do a little job (a price change in case you’re interested in specifics!)- all by myself!
Then about 10 minutes into it a man’s voice over the speaker thingy says something about a fire evacuation and then there was just this really annoying continuous beeping. The man’s voice said to exit from the nearest fire escape- I didn’t know where the nearest fire escape was, I mean how am I meant to know where one is after working there for one and a half years?! I was all by myself and seriously did not have a clue what to do.
I ended up just following everyone else and trying to find a face I knew, which in the end I did. If it were a real fire, how helpful would I be! Leading the customers to safety- what a joke!!!
Highlight from day at work- getting locked in cash office by myself (surrounded by thousands of pounds in cash- they must really trust me!) which meant I could put the radio on whilst I worked because the other lady (who doesn’t like listening to music) was on training! Sad I know, but true.
So another Saturday is over and whilst I have been slaving away at work, all you lucky people have been enjoying your freedom (at least I hope).
Bit of a weird morning. I got to work at about 8am (one hour before the shop opens), said my hellos and then went off to do a little job (a price change in case you’re interested in specifics!)- all by myself!
Then about 10 minutes into it a man’s voice over the speaker thingy says something about a fire evacuation and then there was just this really annoying continuous beeping. The man’s voice said to exit from the nearest fire escape- I didn’t know where the nearest fire escape was, I mean how am I meant to know where one is after working there for one and a half years?! I was all by myself and seriously did not have a clue what to do.
I ended up just following everyone else and trying to find a face I knew, which in the end I did. If it were a real fire, how helpful would I be! Leading the customers to safety- what a joke!!!
Highlight from day at work- getting locked in cash office by myself (surrounded by thousands of pounds in cash- they must really trust me!) which meant I could put the radio on whilst I worked because the other lady (who doesn’t like listening to music) was on training! Sad I know, but true.
At 8:44 AM,
TommyDB said…
I hate not being able to listen the radio in work.
That's the most annoying thing about my job.
But I do know how to get out the building during a fire. :D
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